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Diesel oil tanks delivery for client abroad

Diesel oil tanks are for fuel reserve at the oil field. We usually call it a fuel tank or an oil tank. It can be cylindrical or rectangular type. There are many different patterns available, according to the actual condition we can make various oil tanks

How to purchase a fuel tank?

It depends on the fuel consumption during well drilling or related activities. The equipment including engines, generators, vehicles. While, the generator supplies the electrical power for drilling mud system and daily life, etc.

We calculate the expansion of diesel according to horse power, working time, and so on. Usually, we supply fuel tanks 30CBM, 40CBM, 60CBM. If there is a proper one you can tell us the volume you need. Then, we make the proper vessel in your preferred pattern.

Diesel oil tanks

More information on the oil tank

Diesel oil tanks vary from each other on volume or capacity, also on the pattern. Such as their shape and the elevating type or not. Furthermore, some clients request oil pump or not. For more details, including the cross over, flanges on the tank. There are ANSI standard or International norminal standard as options

For the tank body, it can be only a single layer. This is suitable for non-extreme weather. That means if the ambient temperature is too low or too high, we have to make it with the isolation layer. Moreover, the vessel profile is relating to volume and temperature.

Oilfield tank

Why AIPU diesel tank?

AIPU is a professional manufacturer holding specialty. Trust you will get the optimal solutions here. No matter the technical proposal or the cost. We have delivered over 100 sets of oil tanks all over the world. The users including SINOPEC, CNPC, ALGERIAN OIL, GAZPROM, etc.

The application regions including Europe, Asia, America, and so on. The tanks will be you requested ones. The tanks will be the true items designed and confirmed for you.

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